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Just Breathe

Do you find your days flying by? Are you like me in that you are planning months in advance? Does time seem to be going faster and faster? There is always so much to do, so many things to attend, it’s seems never ending. Days turn into weeks in a blink of an eye. Months come and go before we know it. Life just seems to be speeding up. Even my nieces have commented on how fast life seems to be going and they are kids yet. I found myself in the throes of another such day last week. My work is fast paced and some days it is just a bit overwhelming. I went to the pool to work out and was so blessed to find I had it all to myself. I was still rushing as I got changed and felt pressed to get my work out in and return to my office. I walked into the pool and I very strongly felt the Lord say “Just Breathe”. My mind and body where telling me to get going to keep pushing but again God stirred in my spirit to “Just Breathe”. So instead of rushing through my workout I went to the side of the pool, leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. I am sure the staff looking over the security cameras wondered what in the world was going on. I sat like that for a few minutes and let me tell you it was a struggle. I kept feeling like I needed to get going. After a couple times I finally closed my eyes and just focused on breathing. I stood there leaning against the wall of the pool and breathing for about ten minutes. As I quieted myself I began to notice the subtle flow of the water around me. I wasn’t moving so the movement was very subtle. I doubt I would have noticed it before I took God at His word and spent time just breathing. I felt God whisper to my heart this is what you overlook when you aren’t still before me. You miss the subtle moves I have for you. You miss the way my peace can flow over and around you. You miss the quiet words of love I have to say to you. Wow! My heart was just overwhelmed at His goodness. The first ten minutes of my time had been an effort but hearing this I began to enjoy the process of breathing and just being still. I focused on the movement of the water around me. “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Thirty minutes later I climbed from the pool completely changed as His peace overwhelmed my soul. If you find yourself in that frantic pace where time seems to be speeding by take a moment and just breathe. Still yourself to experience God’s subtle moves around you and to hear His whispered words of love for you! 

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