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Bigger Than The Storm

Lisa Betz

I saw this image and it stirred something in my spirit. Sometimes storms can roll in with so much power that they can seem overwhelming. This is true in life as well as weather phenomena. Often times in life when storms arise they can seem to sweep over us so quickly that we feel totally surrounded by them. The ferocity and power within the storm can seem so strong that we wonder how we will ever make it through. There are even times where all we feel we can do is hunker down as the storm rages around us and through our lives and hope that we will somehow survive it. Often we feel like the storm is so massive that we are powerless against it. When I saw this photo of a storm coming in across Lake Superior I found myself staring at it for a long time. I could almost sense the electricity and the wind. As I prayed about why I felt so drawn to it I realized that I was looking at it and realizing how God managed to bring me through some of my own storms that seemed just as fierce as the one pictured here.

I remember feeling totally overcome by the storm in my life, not knowing if I would make it through. We all face storms in our lives but I want to say from someone who has experienced it first hand, God is bigger than the storm you are facing. Regardless of the dark thunderhead clouds that seem to surround you, the lightning that seems to be lashing out at everything, or the torrential rain that pummels you, God is bigger.

In 2012 I was surrounded by life storms on every front. My father was dealing with major health issues and was having a shaky recovery. For every step forward he seemed to make there seemed to be two steps back. My work life was particularly stressful at this time. In the midst of those two fronts of storms I also lost the man I was seeing to a head on collision. I was totally overwhelmed, the storms were raging. In the middle of my concerns for my father and mother, the stress of trying to juggle everything at work and my deep grief of losing Dave I can honestly say I don't know how I got through it other than to say that God is bigger. He reached into the middle of the storm and carried me. Seven years later I still stand in awe to see how He has helped me not only live through all of that but to thrive.

If you are facing storms in your life please know that He is there for you and He is bigger than the storms. He will do the same for you as He did for me if you let Him. He doesn't want you to try and weather the storms alone, being battered and beaten by them. He wants to hold you safe in His arms while He brings you through the storms.

This is a little different blog then I normally post but I just felt that there may be someone who is struggling with life storms who needed to hear that you can get to the other side with His help. Not only will you survive but He will take what was meant to tear you down and destroy you and redeem it in ways that you can not even imagine. He is bigger than the storm and He loves you.


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