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Day of Freedom


As I settle in this evening and think on what tomorrow holds I am once again so thankful for November 11th. I am thankful for the many men and women who served our nation and ensured our freedoms. I want to recognize the gift they gave all of us.  I will celebrate this day in humble thanks for the freedom I have as a citizen but I also have an even greater freedom to celebrate.

It was on November 11th forty one years ago when I received eternal freedom. I met and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a youth conference in Midland Michigan. I am forever thankful for a God who pursued me with a love so amazing that after 41 years I am just scratching the surface.

I am so grateful that He chose me and called me His own. I am so thankful that He showed me (and continues to show me) who He made me to be and gave me the freedom to walk as a Child of God, a daughter, a co-heir with Christ, a member of a holy priesthood and a Royal nation. I am so humbled that He called me forgiven, redeemed and that He has fully restored the covenant relationship for which He paid the price. I am overwhelmed by the fact that He delights in me and that His thoughts of me are uncountable.

I am undone by the depth of His love and care for me in every physical, emotional, mental and spiritual need I have. I am in awe of how He over and over again provides everything I have or ever will need. I am totally and delightfully bewildered at the fact that a God so massive longs to have time with just me. It is hard to fathom a God so powerful who speaks to my heart with gentle words of love and guidance as soft as a whisper.

It is incredible to think that a God who is all powerful, so powerful that when He spoke the world was created, would build such complexities into that world with the single hope that it would draw us to Him when He didn’t have to. He didn’t create just one type of sunset, or one style snowflake, or flower; no He made a huge variety and places them in our day just so we know that He is there and loving us.

These are the things I think of when I think of Him and I am so thankful that every year He reminds me of how He worked for, planned and watched over that moment forty one years ago when we would finally meet.

As I sit and think on these things I am even more thankful that He didn’t just offer this day of freedom for me but for each of you as well. If you haven’t accepted His gift I pray you do.

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