As we face this crisis of Coronavirus and being limited in our movement I was reminded of a series of messages at my church about the Cave of Adullam. As I pondered why this was coming back to my mind now the Lord quickened to me that we are in such a cave. So I went to revisit the Scriptures on David and his time in the cave. We are, like David, currently isolated, avoiding an enemy and seeking God. So what are the lessons we can learn from this cave?
First David was entering the cave to escape Saul who was determined to kill him. He went into the cave alone and began to seek God. God then sent his family to him in the cave and then added many others who also joined him in the cave. So, David went to the cave isolated, escaping from an enemy and desperately needing to hear from God on what He was supposed to do. As a result of His pursuit of intimacy with God He became a leader of many. God used the time in the cave to heal and strengthen not only David but all those who were in debt and distressed.
In addition God created a mighty army. The Bible says that David became a captain over them. God took hundreds of rag tag people who were broken, angry, and confused and He brought them to David, a man after His own heart, and made them into one people with order, structure and submission to authority.
As we are in this cave season may we also seek the Lord, dwell in His presence and anchor into His Word. People will be drawn to us who are without hope, who are struggling and lost. We must be aligned with the Holy Spirit and be ready to give them an answer, a reason for our hope! God will use this time mightily if we let Him. David had no plans for anyone to join him in the cave and yet look what God did. As we sit at home let us not waste this opportunity to press in and seek God. Let us be prepared to rise up and lead others to the One who loves them and who has a plan and purpose for their lives. Let us be the voice of hope in the face of so much fear, anxiety and despair. Like David, God has given us authority to speak over people and circumstances. When they came out of the cave they became known as Mighty Men so we too will be given opportunities to exercise the authority God has given us. May we learn well the lessons God has for us in the cave and may we emerge as Mighty Men and Women!
“David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. So when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him. And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him.”
I Samuel 22:1-2 NKJV