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Why Did He Still Have Scars?


When Jesus was resurrected why did He still have the scars? This question recently occurred to me as I was sitting on my deck praying. I was thinking about the last two years as I have battled this cancer. I am so thankful for all the people who are faithfully praying for my healing. On the surface it seems like that healing is yet to manifest but in fact much healing has taken place. Yes, I am still in a battle but I am doing so much better than I was two years ago and God’s still waging my war!

It occurred to me that we often perceive healing to look a certain way which lead me to thinking about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. He was brutalized, beaten, scourged, nailed to the cross, pierced with a crown of thorns and a spear during the crucifixion yet when He was raised He was in a glorified body. Scripture says that during the crucifixion he was almost unrecognizable as a man because of the wounds in his flesh. However, when He rose again people recognized Him. So it is reasonable to assume that He no longer bore the stripes of the whip that sliced and tore His flesh, the wounds from the beating He took or any other marks except the nail scars in His hands and feet, and the wound in His side.

We know after the resurrection that His body was different as reported in John 20:19-23 when he appeared among the disciples who were gathered in a locked room. So if His physical life and His body was restored in glory why did some of the scars remain? God could have easily erased all evidence of trauma but He didn’t. I think He knew we would need to be reminded of the victory that was won.

We see this when Jesus appears to Thomas and shows him the scars in his side, hands and feet. In His infinite grace God let the scars remain as a testimony to remind us of His love.

I have my own scars as we all do, whether physical or emotional, but let us allow them to remind us not of battles but of victories, not of hurt or loss but of love, and let us not despise or despair over them but let them be a example of hope to those lost and hurting.


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